Monica Gumm liebt es, emotionale Bilder für Magazine, Verlage, Hotellerie und mittelständische Unternehmen zu fotografieren.
Buchen Sie jetzt Monica Gumm in Hamburg und Sevilla für authentische und ausdrucksstarke Fotos Die Fotografin ist außerdem auf professionelle Reisefotos, Firmenfotos und Firmenfotos spezialisiert: individuell, zeitgemäß, authentisch. Monica Gumm produziert professionelle Fotos für Magazine, Verlage, Hotels, Restaurants und mittelständische Unternehmen. Monica Gumms Bilder sind über die Laif Agency lizenziert.
Monica Gumm loves to create emotional images for magazines, restaurants, hotels and the hospitality industry.
Book Monica Gumm now for exclusive authentic food and gastronomy photos. The photographer also specializes in professional travel photos, company photography and company photos: individual, contemporary, authentic. Monica Gumm produces professional photos for magazines, publishers, hotels, restaurants and medium-sized companies. Monica Gumm's pictures are licensed through Laif Agency.
Spanien, Sevilla, Spain, Seville, Business Portraits, Unternehmensfotografie, Hotelfotografie, Architekturfotografie, Drohnen Fotografie, Food Fotografie, Monica Gumm, Travel photography , Editorial
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Log of an exciting train ride through the Peruvian Andes on board the Belmond Andean Explorer. A nice contrast: Lima
Nowhere else are the olive growers and olive mills so strictly controlled as in the Andalusian region of Priego de
From Lisbon to Fatima, I photographed over 250 locations for the entire illustrated book. The contrasts between the lively capital
Travelling 3800km by camper from Perth to Broome I came across spectacular natural wonders, paddled through breathtaking canyons and snorkeled
One of my biggest challenges while traveling was an eight hour canyoning tour. Abseil down with camera equipment, climb, jet
Food report about the Andalusian tapas culture. Text: Helmut Meyer, Chefs: Jesus Bracero, Nicolás Fernández Martinez
ADAC Reisemagazin
I produced a multimedia video about olive oil tasting in Andalucia for the social media channel of Der Feinschmecker .
The south of Spain is the largest olive garden in the world. In the past, Andalusia's oils were more known
This is where happiness resides: In the dwarf state in Central America you will meet people who see life from
In search of the American dream, I traveled through breathtaking landscapes and glittering worlds.
Text: Monica Gumm, Joy
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